I pass parameter with url called var which is containing value 'event'. I want to check this variable in rjs file and load a modal dialog box. Following is my code.
page<<" if (:var== "event") {"
page<< "$j ('#create_evnt_dialog').dialog({
title: 'New Trainer',
modal: true,
width: 500,
close: function(event, ui) { $j ('#create_evnt_dialog').dialog('destroy') }
page << '}else{'
page.replace_html 'create_evnt', :partial =&g开发者_如何学Pythont; 'add_events'
page << "}"
I could not check variable event in rjs file.how can i do this?
This is my Ajax link ::
<%= link_to_remote 'Add new event', :url => {:controller => 'events', :action => 'new' }, :with=>"'var=' + escape('event')" %>
<%= link_to_remote 'Add new holidays', :url => {:controller => 'events', :action => 'new' }, :with=>"'var=' + escape('holy')" %>
This is my controller code ::
def new
@event = Event.new
@trainers= Trainer.all
@countries= Country.all
@venues= Venue.all
if(@var == 'holy')
@event.trainer_id='0'#If we save holiday as event we put 0 to trainer and venue
Just you can use
if params[:template] == "viewer"
render :action => "viewer_destroy.js.rjs"
render :action => "destroy.js.rjs"
I think you have to use ruby syntax like this:
if (<%= :var %> == "event") {
or all in ruby
<% if :var == "event" %>
<% end %>