
Creating a loop to print html lists

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-09 02:50 出处:网络
I need to create a html list similar in form to the following: <ul class=\"treeView\"> <li>

I need to create a html list similar in form to the following:

<ul class="treeView">
        Root Item
        <ul class="collapsibleList">
            Sub-Folder 1
                    Sub-Sub-Folder 1
                        <li>Item 1</li>
                        <li class="lastChild">Item 2</li>
                <li class="lastChild">
                    Sub-Sub-Folder 2
                        <li>Item 3</li>
                        <li class="lastChild">Item 4</li>
            <li class="lastChild">
                Sub-Folder 2
                    <li>Item 5</li>
                    <li>Item 6</li>
                    <li class="lastChild">Item 7</li>

This list is based off a directory structure, but I have the code down for listing the actual structure. So all I need is how to use the for loop to keep track of everything and create the nested html lists.

Below is my python script that I have so far:

for item in lstItems:
    splitfile = os.path.split(item[0])
    webpyPath = splitfile[0].replace("/srv/http/example/www", "")
    itemName = splitfile[1]
    if item[1] == 0:
    intDirNum = len(lstRemDir) - 1
    if item[1] == 0:
        if len(lstRemDir) == 1:
            print '''
<ul class="treeView">
    <li>Collapsible lists
        <ul class="collapsibleList">
 开发者_StackOverflow           '''
        elif len(lstRemDir) != 1:
            f.write('    </ul>\n</li>')
        f.write('<li><a href=\"' + webpyPath + "/" + itemName + '\" id=\"directory\" alt=\"' + itemName + '\" target=\"viewer\">' + itemName + '</a></li>\n')
    elif item[1] == 1:
        f.write('<li><a href=\"' + webpyPath + "/" + itemName + '\" id=\"file\" alt=\"' + itemName + '\" target=\"viewer\">' + itemName + '</a></li>\n')
        f.write('<li>An error happened in processing ' + itemName + '.')

The reason I am asking is because I have been trying to get this figured out for days. I am not asking for someone to do it for me, just a good way to do it. I have tried using lists to store data but I felt like it got too confusing. Hopefully that clarifies what I am looking for.

Thanks in advance!

This might help to get you started on a simpler solution that uses a nested dictionary to represent your files instead of lists:

dir = {}
start = rootdir.rfind('/')+1
for path, dirs, files in os.walk(rootdir):
    folders = path[start:].split('/')
    subdir = dict.fromkeys(files)
    parent = reduce(dict.get, folders[:-1], dir)
    parent[folders[-1]] = subdir

Here is an example of what dir might look like for a similar structure to the one in your example:

    "root": {
        "folder2": {
            "item2": None, 
            "item3": None, 
            "item1": None
        "folder1": {
            "subfolder1": {
                "item2": None, 
                "item1": None
            "subfolder2": {
                "item3": None, 
                "item4": None

Using this it shouldn't be too difficult to write a recursive function that accepts a dictionary and returns an html list. Here is a simple function that just prints the items out at the correct level, you should be able to modify this to add the html code:

def html_list(nested_dict, indent=0):
    result = ''
    if nested_dict is not None:
        for item in sorted(nested_dict.keys()):
            result += ' '*indent + item + '\n'
            result += html_list(nested_dict[item], indent+4)
    return result

>>> print html_list(dir)


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