
ASP.Net MVC 3 CheckBoxList from database

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-08 21:24 出处:网络
i have a table called tb_role idrole 1admin 2user 3viewer and for the View is like this : <div style=\"width:50%; float:right;\">

i have a table called

id  role
1   admin
2   user
3   viewer

and for the View is like this :

<div style="width:50%; float:right;">
    <legend>User Role</legend>
         <td align="center">&开发者_Python百科lt;input type="checkbox" id="CBRole"/></td>

I want to ask, how to list my checkbox(CBRole) from my table? so my CBRole is listed from my table.

thanks a lot


assumed that i have Roles table like this :

RoleId  Role_Name
     1  SalesCreate
     2  SalesEdit
     3  AgentCreate
     4  AgentEdit

i want to list role for Sales in checkbox (SalesCreate and SalesEdit, so its only have 2 checboxes), how to do that ? thanks

From your controller you populate your view model with these properties:

Your RoleViewModel

public IList<int> RolesSelected { get; set; }
public MultiSelectList Roles { get; set; }

From controller that handles the Get call (/roles/edit/1 for example)

 model.RolesSelected = new List<int>();

 //here the code to populate the eventually already selected roles (update case)

 model.Roles = new MultiSelectList(repository.GetRoles(), "Id", "Name", model.SettoriSelected);

then in your view (inside a form tag) you will do something like this

 @foreach (var item in Model.Roles)
   <div class="MyClass">
     <label for="@item.Value" class="MyClassForCheck">
       <input type="checkbox" id="@item.Value" name="RolesSelected" value="@item.Value" @(item.Selected ? "checked" : "") />@item.Text</label>

in the controller that answer the Post part you will access the RolesSelected with the IDs checked

In the example I have put a div, but yuo can change it to what you like obviously. Hope it helps

You probably want to have something that looks like the following post on StackOverflow, Enum to CheckBox



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