I am using the Joomla Seminar component , http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/calendars-a-events/events/events-registration/8426
I would like to retrieve the query to return th开发者_JS百科e organiser's name, thus search the query across the component files.
I get stuck at this function :$config = &JComponentHelper::getParams('com_seminar');
How do I retrieve the SQL query from here? Any pointers appreciated. Thanks a lot!
If you want to get organiser's name by seminar number / code:
$number = "123"; // here the number to search
$db = &JFactory::getDBO();
$q = "SELECT name FROM #__users u INNER JOIN #__seminar s ON (u.id=s.publisher) WHERE s.semnum='".$number."'";
$organisername = $db->loadResult();
You can change the query as your needs, for example searching by seminar id:
$q = "SELECT name FROM #__users u INNER JOIN #__seminar s ON (u.id=s.publisher) WHERE s.id='".$id."'";