My iOS app needs to utilize "swipes" gestures and "pinches". I'd rather not de开发者_开发百科velop native iOS app myself, but use some tool like PhoneGap or anything like that. I want this to be pretty much a Web app, as much as possible, so I don'd deal with constant forever-taking updates thru App Store.
Any suggestions? Thanks!
To answer your question, yes PhoneGap can work with swipe. I just got done trying it with jQuery Mobile to answer this questions here: How to swipe between several jquery mobile pages?
As for Pinch. The Mobile Safari browser that works inside of PhoneGap supports it, so I suspect that you would be able to use it in the same context as you would in a normal mobile web application. Pinch to zoom, double tap to Zoom and center to a block element. I do not believe that PhoneGap or JQuery Mobile give you access to any pinch events to intercept and do your own thing with, like "pinch to make a noise" or something.