i have this piece of code which i use to add some elements:
string xmlTarget = string.Format(@"<target name='{0}' type='{1}' layout='${{2}}' />",
new object[] { target.Name, target.Type, target.Layout });
Configuration configuration = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None);
var xmlDoc = XElement.Load(configuration.FilePath);
var nlog = xmlDoc.Elements("nlog");
if (nlog.Count() == 0)
return false;
return true;
it supposed to add a target to the xml , problem is it replace "<" with "<
" and ">" with ">
" which mess up my xml file.
how do i fix this ?
Not开发者_高级运维e please dont pay attention to nlog, i`m concerned about the linqtoxml problem.
You're currently adding a string. That will be added as content. If you want to add an element, you should parse it as such first:
XElement element = XElement.Parse(xmlTarget);
Or preferrably, construct it instead:
XElement element = new XElement("target",
new XAttribute("type", target.Name),
new XAttribute("type", target.Type),
// It's not clear what your format string was trying to achieve here
new XAttribute("layout", target.Layout));
Basically, if you find yourself using string manipulation to create XML and then parse it, you're doing it wrong. Use the API itself to construct XML-based objects.