
JAXB marshalling and unmarshalling CDATA

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-08 15:33 出处:网络
I have a requirement in which i have XML like this <programs> <program> <name>test1</name>

I have a requirement in which i have XML like this

      <instr><![CDATA[ some string ]]></instr>
      <instr><![CDATA[ some string ]]></instr>

My program needs to unmarshal this to JAXB, do some processing and finally marshall back to xml. When I finally marshall the JAXB objects to xml, i get the as plain text without CDATA prefix. But to keep the xml intact I need to get the xml back 开发者_Python百科with CDATA prefix. It seems JAXB doesnt suppor this directly. Is there a way to achieve this?

CDATA or not, this should not be a problem since the output from JAXB will be escaped if needed.

I've also had the same problem and while looking in SO I found this post. Since I'm generating my beans with xjc I did not want to add a @XmlCData in the generated code.

After looking a while for a good solution I finally found this post: http://javacoalface.blogspot.pt/2012/09/outputting-cdata-sections-with-jaxb.html

Which contains the following example code:

DocumentBuilderFactory docBuilderFactory = 
Document document = 

// Marshall the feed object into the empty document.
jaxbMarshaller.marshal(jaxbObject, document);

// Transform the DOM to the output stream
// TransformerFactory is not thread-safe
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
TransformerFactory transformerFactory = 
Transformer nullTransformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer();
nullTransformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");
 "myElement myOtherElement");
nullTransformer.transform(new DOMSource(document),
 new StreamResult(writer));

It works pretty fine for me. Hope it helps others that land in this page looking for the same thing I was.

Note: I'm the EclipseLink JAXB (MOXy) lead and a member of the JAXB 2 (JSR-222) expert group.

You can use MOXy's @XmlCDATA extension to force a text node to be wrapped with CDATA:

package blog.cdata;

import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;
import org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.annotations.XmlCDATA;

public class Customer {

   private String bio;

   public void setBio(String bio) {
      this.bio = bio;

   public String getBio() {
      return bio;


For More Information

  • http://blog.bdoughan.com/2010/07/cdata-cdata-run-run-data-run.html
  • http://blog.bdoughan.com/2011/05/specifying-eclipselink-moxy-as-your.html


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