
asp.net get html controls in code behind

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-08 14:25 出处:网络
If I alter the html on a page using JavaScript, how can I access those changes in my ASP.NET code behind?

If I alter the html on a page using JavaScript, how can I access those changes in my ASP.NET code behind?

I found some dhtml "drag and drop" code online (http://www.dhtmlgoodies.com/scripts/drag-drop-nodes/drag-drop-nodes-demo2.html), but after moving list items from one control to another, I don't know how to "access" each control in the code behind so I can save the list items in each control.

I tried using the HTML Agility pack, but it seems like I'm only able to access the unaltered html - meaning all the controls are empty.

Any help/suggestions are appreciated. Or any suggestions as to a better way of accomplishing this are welcome (jQuery? Ajax Toolkit?).

EDIT: Here's some code. I'm able to populate an ASP Label control (_saveContent), from the JavaScript function saveDragDropNodes, with the "ul" ID and the corresponding "li" controls that I've dragged and dropped. When clicking the save button however, my Label control no longer contains any Text...

function saveDragDropNodes() {
        var saveString = "";
       开发者_高级运维 var uls = dragDropTopContainer.getElementsByTagName('UL');
        for (var no = 1; no < uls.length; no++) {   // LOoping through all <ul>
            var lis = uls[no].getElementsByTagName('LI');
            for (var no2 = 0; no2 < lis.length; no2++) {
                if (saveString.length > 0) saveString = saveString + ";";
                saveString = saveString + uls[no].id + '|' + lis[no2].id;
        document.getElementById("<%=_saveContent.ClientID %>").innerHTML = saveString.replace(/;/g, ';<br>');
  <div id="dhtmlgoodies_dragDropContainer">
    <div id="dhtmlgoodies_listOfItems">
                Available Items</p>
            <ul id="allItems" runat="server">
    <div id="dhtmlgoodies_mainContainer">
                Group 1</p>
            <ul id="_ul1">
                Group 2</p>
            <ul id="_ul2">
    <asp:Label ID="_lSave" runat="server" ForeColor="Red" EnableViewState="false" />
<div id="footer">
<span onmouseover="saveDragDropNodes()">
    <asp:Button ID="_btnSave" runat="server" Text="Save Groups" OnClick="_btnSave_OnClick" /></span>
<ul id="dragContent">
<div id="dragDropIndicator"></div>
<asp:Label ID="_saveContent" runat="server" />

Code Behind:

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub GetItems()
    Dim dt As DataTable = DbHelper.GetDataTableForSP("GetListOptions")
    Dim index As Integer = 1
    For Each _row As DataRow In dt.Rows
        Dim _li As New HtmlGenericControl("li")
        _li.ID = _row("ClassId")
        _li.Attributes.Add("runat", "server")
        _li.InnerHtml = String.Format("{0}) {1} {2}", index, _row("ClassId"), _row("ClassDescription1"))
        index += 1
End Sub
Private Sub SaveGroups()

    Dim str As String = _saveContent.Text /*No text here */
    _lSave.Text = "Groups Saved!"
End Sub

The only content posted back to the server are values from form fields. See: Form submission.

You have two options:

  1. Make use of ajax to pass the HTML from the client to the server.
  2. Use a hidden input field to store the HTML just before the page posts back.

Here is an example of the latter:


<div id="content"></div>
<asp:HiddenField ID="hiddenContentField" runat="server" />
<asp:Button ID="button1" runat="server" Text="Post back" OnClick="button1_Click" OnClientClick="storeContent();" />


function storeContent() {
    $('#<%= hiddenContentField.ClientID %>').val($('#content').html());

Any changes made in the content element will then be stored in the hidden input element and sent up to the server on postback.

Then in the code behind you can access the HTML passed up like so:

protected void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    string html = hiddenContentField.Value;

Hope this helps.

First of all, HTML code changes will not posted to Server by default. To achieve the drag-n-drop element, please follow the steps below

  1. Uniquely name(id) the Container panels and child elements in it.
  2. Using jQuery/JavaScript track the child element movements from on container panel to another and store the id of element's old parent panel and new parent in json/dictionary object.
  3. While clicking on save button post the tracked dictionary object to server.
  4. On server-side, get the posted json object using Page.Request.
  5. Using the id's stored in json object, Save the list items.

Hope this will helps.

Specify runat="server" on the controls you need to access from code-behind. Also, remember to use ClientID to reference server controls in JavaSript:

var el = document.getElementById("<%=MyElement.ClientID%>");

First, add the jQuery lib to your page header. Add it from the Google CDN, as most of your users should have it cached.

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.4/jquery.min.js"></script>

Then, after the JS has modified the HTML, call sendToServer and it will post the html you select to the servlet you enter.

function sendToServer(){
    var myhtml = document.getElementById('theIdOfTheContainer').innerHTML;
        //some code to handle the response from the server on the client.

I am having you use jQuery for this, as it is a very powerful AJAX library. jQuery does three things extremely well, and one of them is AJAX. Inside the post method, the third parameter is an anonymous function. That is the function that gets called once the data has successfully been sent to the server. So, yeah. Try it out, let me know.



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