I'm running phpunit tests with zendframework using netbeans but the reports are not being generated. The folder was created however no reports.
My directoty struture:
<phpunit bootstrap="./bo开发者_StackOverflowotstrap.php">
<testsuite name="Application Test Suite">
<testsuite name="Library Test Suite">
<!-- If Zend Framework is inside your project's library, uncomment this filter -->
<directory suffix=".php">../../library/Zend</directory>
<log type="coverage-html" target="./log/report" charset="UTF-8" yui="true" highlight = "true" lowUpperBound="50" highLowerBound="80" />
<log type="testdox" target="./log/testdox.html" />
The tests are running correctly but How should I configure my phpunit.xml to generate the reports?
My PHPUnit version is 3.5.15
I had this problem, too, and if i remember correctly it had something to do with xdebug (or similar) not running - but in my case the command line tool has thrown some error.
I figured out, I tried running from terminal. It was throwing a memory exception, I increased php memory limit and works fine now.