I have a textview and I have many buttons. One of the button should be able to start the 'anima开发者_开发问答tion' well it is not animation in anim, it just need to make the text go red for a 2 seconds than the text should go green for 2 seconds than again back to red.... -one of the buttons should stop the 'animation' and set the text to white -one should make the text back for 1 sec, than blue for 2sec and again back to black...
the point is the buttons should be able to be pressed by the user in any time.
I think I should use Handler but I am not sure for the patter , I do not know how the stoping of the thread should look like, I mean when I start thread , later on I should tell him to stop... What is the best way to do this ?
I always code this kind of thinks with stupid tricks , and I do not know what is the pattern, what is the right way to do this ?
here is some code of how I do it, but I feel that this is not the right way
private boolean flagForStop=true;
private Handler handler1=new Handler(){
public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
switch (msg.what) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
new Thread(){
public void run(){
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
//do something
and than i the listener something like handler1.sendEmptyMessage(0);
Here is how I would do it, it's not perfect but it should work for all the types of animations you've mentioned above.
First create a class called AnimStep which contains two fields: time and color. Constructor is AnimStep(int time, String color)
Then create a class called AnimSequence which contains an array of AnimStep objects. You get a specific step with this.getStep(index).
For instance AnimSequence for "pink 2 seconds then magenta 3 seconds then black forever" would contain the following array of AnimSteps: {new AnimStep(0, "pink"), new AnimStep(2, "magenta"), new AnimStep(5, "black")}
Then create a class called Animation which runs permanently in a separate thread and wakes up regularly (e.g. every 100ms). This class has three fields:
- sequence: a pointer to an AnimSequence object
- startTime: a timestamp
- step: an integer which represents the index of an element in an array of AnimStep
When you click a button, you pass an AnimSequence to Animation. This sets this.sequence to the given AnimSequence, this.startTime = , this.step = 1. It also sets the color of the text to the color of you first AnimStep in AnimSequence.
Now each time the Animation wakes up, it does the following:
if (this.step >= this.sequence.size()) return // do nothing
currentStep = this.sequence.getStep(this.step)
elapsedTime = <current time stamp for now> - this.time
if (elapsedTime >= currentStep.time) {
yourtext.color = currentStep.color