I want to ask if it is better to develop a CMS from scratch, making a good CMS core framework, or should I develop my CMS with the Zend Framework. I have experience in working with Zend Framework, but feel like it will not have a good success because of the large library that Zend has.
I will try to answer what I think can objectively be answered.
ZF is a general purpose component library. It doesnt offer components related to the CMS problem domain, e.g. no documents, no workflows, versioning, etc. So even if you use ZF, you will have to implement the CMS specific parts, e.g. your domain model and all the business logic (your CMS core), from scratch.
ZF can solve some of the general problems of an application like authentication, caching, db access, stuff like that. So for those aspects, ZF might be useful for you. As for the size of the library: that is not an issue. You do not have to use components you do not need. Just pick those that are useful for you.
As an alternative to ZF check out Apache Zeta components. It offers workflows and documents in addition to many components ZF offers as well - unfortunately, development on that has stalled lately.