I want to have mixed https/http site.
Moreover I want have redirects from https to http(ie. after user login successfully it should redirect to root page at http).
Gems like:
- rack-ssl
- rack-ssl-enforcer
works perfectly but only If you want to have entire site at https "Mixed http/https" with only ssl at A, B, C actions and only http at D, E, F - dont work.
I checked solution from another SO thread:
Rails 3 SSL routing redirects from https to http
Almost works. Its easy to write script which will change(on entire views) helper from "_path" to "_url".
But there is a problem with links like:
<%= link_to "model", some_model %>
<%= link_to "edit model", edit_mode_url(model) 开发者_如何学运维%>
There are many diffrent models and I use often "model" at iteration blocks, so solution based on 'rewrite' script will dont work with that.
Is there a way to change behavior of <%= link_to 'model', model %>
code to fix that? Is there a possibility to overwrite path helper(standard protocol will be http, on giver parameter - https)?
Or maybe there is a another solution which I have not found yet?
I work with Rails 3.0.9.
If you would like to add https to a particular route
you can use this code
before_filter :redirect_to_https
def redirect_to_https
redirect_to :protocol => "https://" unless (request.ssl? || request.local?)
You can define the routes you would like to use with the before_filter action simply by doing the following
before_filter :redirect_to_https, :except => [:action1 , :action2]
before_filter :redirect_to_https, :only => [:action1 , :action2]
Use this gem:
gem install ssl_requirement
Then to add ssl_required :new, :destroy #others actions
to your controllers.
If you use devise you have to overwrite each controller and specify all actions
devise_for :users, :controllers => { :confirmations => "confirmations", :omniauth_callbacks => "omniauth_callbacks", :passwords => "passwords", :registrations => "registrations", :sessions => "sessions", :unlocks => "unlocks" } do
# etc
It works with Rails 3.0.x