I would like to store windows path in MySQL without escaping the backslashes. How can I do this in Python? I am using MySQLdb to insert records into the database. When I use MySQLdb.escape_string(), I notice that the开发者_如何学编程 backslashes are removed.
Have a look at os.path.normpath(thePath)
I can't remember if it's that one, but there IS a standard os.path formating function that gives double backslashes, that can be stored in a db "as is" and reused later "as is". I have no more windows machine and cannot test it anymore.
Just use a dictionary to add slashes wherever required to make the query valid :
def addslashes(s):
dict = {"\0":"\\\0", "\\":"\\\\"} #add more here
return ''.join(dict.get(x,x) for x in s)
query = "INSERT INTO MY_TABLE id,path values(23,'c:\windows\system\')";