I'm using PowerShell v2 and Microsoft's AD module to search our AD for accounts whose EmployeeID match a particular ID. The ID is usually stored in AD as "00000123456" but the value i have to search with is only the "123456" 开发者_开发知识库part. problem is i cannot figure out how to do a -like search in AD. here's my current code
$EmpInfo = Import-csv "PSfile.csv"
$EmplID = EmpInfo.ID
$EmpAD = get-aduser -Filter {employeeId -like "*$EmplID"} -Properties * -EA Stop
At this point, EmpAD is always empty
I can work around this by modifying EmpID to contain "*123456" before I call Get-ADUser and this works. But I can't help but think there is a syntax problem preventing the obvious approach. Research to resolve it has been fruitless.
If your string is really in employeeID attribute you can test :
$EmpAD = get-aduser -LDAPFilter "(employeeId=*$EmplID)" -SearchBase 'DC=dom,DC=fr' -Properties *
you can use LDP.EXE (or ADSI.EXE) to verify what exactly exists your Directory.
For me it works, if I test with LDIF:
C:\temp>ldifde -f eid.ldf -d "dc=dom,dc=fr" -r "(employeeId=*)"
Connexion à « WM2008R2ENT.dom.fr » en cours
Connexion en tant qu'utilisateur actuel en utilisant SSPI
Exportation de l'annuaire dans le fichier eid.ldf
Recherche des entrées...
Création des entrées...
3 entrées exportées
There are 3 objects
In PowerShell with AD Cmdlets it gives the following :
PS C:\> get-aduser -LDAPFilter "(employeeID=*)" | Measure-Object
Count : 3
$var = "123456"
PS C:\> get-aduser -LDAPFilter "(employeeID=*$var)" -properties employeeID
DistinguishedName : CN=user1 Users,OU=MonOu,DC=dom,DC=fr
EmployeeID : 00000123456
Enabled : True
GivenName : user1
Name : user1 Users
ObjectClass : user
ObjectGUID : b5e5ea59-93a6-4b24-9c3e-043a825c412e
SamAccountName : user1
SID : S-1-5-21-3115856885-816991240-3296679909-1107
Surname : Users
UserPrincipalName : user1@dom.fr
Be carefull : I don't understand why, but it took some time between the modification in the directory with MMC and the result in the PowerShell prompt. I reload a new PowerShell interpreter and re import AD module.
From a performance perspective, if you know that the IDs are always a certain number of digits (with leading zeroes), you're going to be WAY better off just formatting the ID ahead of time.
If your ID is supposed to be 11 digits, do something like this $EmplID.ToString("D11") to get it padded out.