I am very familiar with VLOOKUP
in excel, but HLOOKUP
seems not as easy to master as its vertical pendant. Here is a very simple case I can' solve by myself:
I don't understand what is wrong with that kind of formula use, but I would really need to expend that one to a series of rows (thus I can' transpose that set of data to workaround my issue with VLOOKUP
Thanks in advance for your help and best regards
You need to be doing a HLOOKUP on the top row (just as VLOOKUP looks to match the leftmost column) - whereas you are attempting to lookup row 3
using an two stage INDEX and MATCH operation, the MATCH to find your value in row 3, the INDEX to return the cell in row 1 two cells above your MATCH is a superior option
=IF(ISNA(MATCH(B3,C3:AW3,0)),"no match",INDEX(C1:AW1,MATCH(B3,C3:AW3,0)))
Some further reading courtesy of google searches