I have an array to which I need to compare data from mysql. Usually I'm doing a straight comparison so I can do an if ($array[$i]===$mysql[$i])
, but I do have one instance where I need to match it against a range of numbers (ex. 18-19, 20-24, etc). I looked into preg_match & preg_grep, but they don't seem to be what I want…
I just need a true/false result from the comparison.
The part of the array I'm trying to match against looks like this:
"Pacific Islander"=>array('total'=>0,'completed'=>0),
Is there a clean way to do this?
list($min,$max) = explode('-', $array[$i]);
if ($mysql[$i] >= $min && $mysql[$i] <= $max) ...
PHP's range() function might be useful:
foreach ($array['age'] as $ageRange => $something) {
list($start, $limit) = explode('-', $ageRange);
foreach (range($start, $limit) as $age) {
// compare