
Find an item in a context with jQuery

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2022-12-16 12:12 出处:网络
I have this code in JS to jQuery: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js\"></s

I have this code in JS to jQuery:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js"></script> 

    <ul id="ul1">
            <li id="li11">11</li>
            <li id="li12">12</li>
            <li id="li13">13</li>

    <ul id="ul2">
            <li id="li21">21</li>
            <li id="li22">22</li>
            <li id="li23">23</li>

    <pre id="result"></pre>


    var liFind = $("#li21");
    var liFindDoc = document.getElementById("li21");

    var ul1 = $("#ul1");
    var ul2 = $("#ul2");

    $("#result").append( "li exist: "+$(liFind开发者_如何学JAVA).length+", "+$(liFind).html()+"<br />");

    $("#result").append( "find ul 1 : "+$(ul1).find(liFind).length+"<br />");
    $("#result").append( "find ul 2 : "+$(ul2).find(liFind).length+"<br />");

    $("#result").append( "children ul 1 : "+$(ul1).children(liFind).length+"<br />");
    $("#result").append( "children ul 2 : "+$(ul2).children(liFind).length+"<br />");

    $("#result").append( "filter ul 1 : "+$(ul1).filter(liFind).length+"<br />");
    $("#result").append( "filter ul 2 : "+$(ul2).filter(liFind).length+"<br />");

        $("#result").append("li "+$(val).attr("id")+": "+(liFind==val)+" - "+(liFindDoc==val)+"<br />");


        $("#result").append("children II ul 1 : "+(liFind==val)+" - "+(liFindDoc==val)+"<br />");

        $("#result").append("children II ul 2 : "+(liFind==val)+" - "+(liFindDoc==val)+"<br />");

        $("#result").append("find II ul 1 : "+(liFind==val)+" - "+(liFindDoc==val)+"<br />");

        $("#result").append("find II ul 2 : "+(liFind==val)+" - "+(liFindDoc==val)+"<br />");

$("#result").append("'SOLUTION' ::: closest li->ul: "+ $(liFind).closest('ul').attr("id") +"<br />");


and get this result:

  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 21
  • 22
  • 23

li exist: 1, 21

find ul 1 : 0

find ul 2 : 0

children ul 1 : 3

children ul 2 : 3

filter ul 1 : 0

filter ul 2 : 0

li li11: false - false

li li12: false - false

li li13: false - false

li li21: false - true

li li22: false - false

li li23: false - false

children II ul 1 : false - false

children II ul 1 : false - false

children II ul 1 : false - false

children II ul 2 : false - true

children II ul 2 : false - false

children II ul 2 : false - false

find II ul 1 : false - false

find II ul 1 : false - false

find II ul 1 : false - false

find II ul 2 : false - true

find II ul 2 : false - false

find II ul 2 : false - false

'SOLUTION' ::: closest li->ul: ul2

Question How can I tell if an element is in a context, for example in the case above, as whether a "li" is in a "ul"? with jQuery using a method such as "find".

The second parameter of your selector is reserved for a context:

$("ul", "body").length; // how many UL's are within the body?

Of course that's more complicated than just making a more detailed selector:

$("body ul").length; // how many UL's are within the body?

Additionally, you can always query the parents:

$("ul").parents("body").length; // is a BODY up there?

Using "find" can be like this:

$("ul").find("li").length; // how many LI's (included grandchildren) within UL?

I would use closest() to find parent context, unless you can do it in the selector.


or as a plugin:

$.fn.context = function(context) {
  return !!$(this).closest(context).length;

console.log( $('#li22').context('kbd') ); // prints false


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