i got the following structure which display editable rows in an html table
+ WebMarkupContainer开发者_JAVA技巧 - in HTML <tbody wicket:id="container">
+ ListView which for each item in the list does (in HTML this)
+ item.add(new PopTable1Row("Pop1Panel", popTable1Item, ComponentMode.EDIT));
+ PopTable1Row component contains
+ Form
+ some inputs and a 2 submit buttons (Save, Delete)
Now i want to achieve that for example by clicking on delete the list view will AJAX like reload without reloading the whole page. The Delete button deletes a row from a table, so one row should disappear.
I achieved reloading the ListView by using AjaxSelfUpdatingTimerBehavior:
WebMarkupContainer.add(new AjaxSelfUpdatingTimerBehavior(Duration.seconds(5)));
It refreshed the listView every 5 seconds.
OK, but now i want to refresh the listView in onSubmit
of the for example the Delete Button.
And here;s the question: how to do this?
I tried in the onSubmit
But both did not work.
First you have to set outputId to true in yours listView. So Wicket will generate an id for the list tag, required to be updated by ajax.
And then in your onSubmit method tell Wicket to repaint the list. Note that in the example the save button is a AjaxLink, but you can use other components.
AjaxLink<Void> dltBttn = new AjaxLink<Void>("yourButtonId") {
public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
// your stuff
if(target != null) {
// tells wicket to repaint your list