i am trying to execute a sample in ndk,but getting the following error.
Android NDK: There is no Android.mk under mp3solutions/jni
Android NDK: If this is intentional please define APP_BUILD_SCRIPT to point
Android NDK:开发者_运维问答 to a valid NDK build script.
26: *** Android NDK: Aborting... . Stop.
so please guide me how to resolve this one
are you having Android.mk
in your JNI folder?, see NDK-build the files which are all listed in Android.mk, so just be sure to have Android.mk file
Do you have a file application.mk.If you do have than please delete that file.Sometimes the path specified in the application.mk file causes this error.
I got the same issue and this is because mistaken I named file Andorid.mk instead Android.mk. This work for me.