I'm trying to display a list of global validation errors in my freemarker template if a controller returns binding errors. I can display errors that are associated with a field, but I want to detect when an error has occurred within a specific bean and display a message at the top of the page. I've tried using the example below which produces no output:
<@spring.bind "webPage" />
<#if spring.status.error>
There were problems with the data you entered:
<#list spring.status.errorMessages as error>
The line below always returns 0, despite there being errors with the submitted form:
My controller code is below:
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ModelAndView save(@ModelAttribute("webPage") @Valid WebPage page, BindingResult result, Model model) {
if (!model.containsAttribute("site")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Model must contain site attribute.");
Site site = (Site) model.asMap().get("site");
if (!result.hasErrors() && !page.isNew()) {
th开发者_开发百科is.pageService.save(page, site);
} else if (!result.hasErrors() && page.isNew()) {
this.pageService.create(page, site);
return createMav(result);
The createMav method is below:
public ModelAndView createMav(BindingResult result) {
ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView();
return mav;
Is there a way to achieve this using Freemarker + Spring MVC?
I found a roundabout way to do this using the standard MVC JSP taglib. I make this available to Freemarker:
<#assign form=JspTaglibs["http://www.springframework.org/tags/form"] />
I then use the following macro to display global error message:
<#macro formErrors>
<#assign formErrors><@form.errors path="*" /></#assign>
<#if formErrors?has_content>
<div id="errors">
<@spring.message "admin.error.globalMessage" />
I just place the following line where ever I want this error message to appear (this has to be contained within the form element that submits to the controller):
<@form.form method="POST" commandName="webPage">
<@formErrors />
You can write as follows:
<#if spring.status.error>
<#list spring.status.errors.globalErrors as error>
More info at BindStatus and Errors classes.
Try something like this:
<@spring.bind "webPage" />
<#if (spring.status.errors.allErrors?size > 0) >
<@spring.message "my.global.error.code"/>
See the documentation: http://static.springsource.org/spring/docs/current/spring-framework-reference/html/view.html#view-velocity-forms. It has an example of what you want to do.