<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" applicationComplete="init();" initialize="initializeHandler(event)">
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
import mx.events.FlexEvent;
import sandacreative.sqlite.events.StatementSuccessEvent;
import sandacreative.sqlite.SQLiteManager;
private var database:SQLiteManager = SQLiteManager.getInstance();
protected function initializeHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
{ trace("inside initializehandler");
database.start("Users.db", "Users", "CREATE TABLE Users(UserId VARCHAR(150) PRIMARY KEY, UserName VARCHAR(150))");
database.addEventListener(SQLiteManager.COMMAND_EXEC_SUCCESSFULLY, onSelectResult);
database.addEventListener(SQLiteManager.COMMAND_EXEC_FAILED, function():void {
private function insertEntry():void
var sql:String = "INSERT INTO Users VALUES('"+nameField.text+"');";
// SQLite Ends Here*/
import flash.media.Camera;
import sandacreative.WebCam;
import sandacreative.Base64;
import mx.core.UIComponent;
import mx.graphics.codec.JPEGEncoder;
private var webCam:WebCam;
private function init():void {
webCam = new WebCam(160, 120);
var ref:UIComponent = new UIComponent();
<mx:Panel width="180" height="160" id="preview" title="Snapshotr" x="158" y="343"/>
<mx:Button label="Save" id="submit" x="280" y="521" width="100" enabled="true" click="insertEntry();"/>
init() initiates a cam and that works properly .. while initiliseHandler() creates a sqlite table. But the table is not created and when i try to save it shows the error
Error: Error #3104: A SQLConnection must be open to perform this operation.
at Error$/throwError()
at flash.data::SQLStatement/checkAllowed()
at flash.data::SQLStatement/checkReady()
at flash.data::SQLStatement/execute()
at sandacreative.sqlite::SQLiteManager/executeCustomCommand()[C:\Documents and Settings\sujith\My Documents\Visitrac1\src\sandacreative\sqlite\SQLiteManager.as:238]
at sandacreative::Main/insertEntry()[C:\Documents and Settings\sujith\My Documents\Visitrac1\src\sandacreative\Main.mxml:34]
at sandacreative::Main/__submit_click()[C:\Documents and Settings\sujith\My Documents\Visitrac1\src\sandacreative\Main.mxml:153]
package sandacreative.sqlite
import sandacreative.sqlite.events.StatementSuccessEvent;
import flash.data.SQLConnection;
import flash.data.SQLStatement;
import flash.errors.SQLError;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
import flash.events.SQLErrorEvent;
import flash.events.SQLEvent;
import flash.filesystem.File;
public class SQLiteManager extends EventDispatcher implements ISQLiteManager
* Database file name 开发者_Python百科and extension
public var dbFullFileName:String;
* Database Name
public var tableName:String;
* SQL command to create the database
public var createDbStatement:String;
// datsbase apis instances
protected var connection:SQLConnection;
protected var statement:SQLStatement;
protected var sqlFile:File;
// repeated sql command
protected var repeateFailCallBack:Function;
protected var repeateCallBack:Function;
protected var repeateSqlCommand:String = "";
// events strings
public static var COMMAND_EXEC_SUCCESSFULLY:String = "commandExecSuccesfully";
public static var DATABASE_CONNECTED_SUCCESSFULLY:String = "databaseConnectedSuccessfully";
public static var COMMAND_EXEC_FAILED:String = "commandExecFailed";
public static var DATABASE_READY:String = "databaseReady";
// Singleton instance.
protected static var instance:SQLiteManager;
* Enforce singleton design pattern.
* @param enforcer
public function SQLiteManager(enforcer:AccessRestriction)
if (enforcer == null)
throw new Error("Error enforcer input param is undefined" );
* Opens a database connection.
* @param dbFullFileName the database file name for instance: Users.sql
* @param tableName holds the database name, for instance: Users
* @param createTableStatement holds the create database statment for instance: CREATE TABLE Users(userId VARCHAR(150) PRIMARY KEY, UserName VARCHAR(150))
public function start(dbFullFileName:String, tableName:String, createTableStatement:String):void
this.dbFullFileName = dbFullFileName;
this.tableName = tableName;
this.createDbStatement = createTableStatement;
connection = new SQLConnection();
sqlFile = File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath(dbFullFileName);
this.dispatchEvent(new Event(DATABASE_CONNECTED_SUCCESSFULLY));
catch (error:SQLError)
trace("Error message:", error.message);
trace("Details:", error.details);
* Close connection
public function close():void
* Test the table to ensure it exists. Sends a fail call back function to create the table if
* it doesn't exists.
public function testTableExists():void
var sql:String = "SELECT * FROM "+tableName+" LIMIT 1;";
executeCustomCommand(sql, this.onDatabaseReady, this.createTable );
* Method to create the database table.
private function createTable():void
statement = new SQLStatement();
statement.sqlConnection = connection;
statement.text = createDbStatement;
statement.addEventListener(SQLEvent.RESULT, onDatabaseReady);
* Common sql command: select all entries in database
* @param callback
* @param failCallback
public function executeSelectAllCommand(callback:Function=null, failCallback:Function=null):void
var sql:String = "SELECT * FROM "+tableName+";";
executeCustomCommand(sql, callback, failCallback);
* Common sql command: delete all entries in database
* @param callback
public function executeDeleteAllCommand(callback:Function=null):void
var sql:String = "DELETE * FROM "+tableName+";";
executeCustomCommand(sql, callback);
* Method to execute a SQL command
* @param sql SQL command string
* @param callback success call back function to impliment if necessery
* @param failCallBack fail call back function to impliment if necessery
public function executeCustomCommand(sql:String, callBack:Function=null, failCallBack:Function=null):void
statement = new SQLStatement();
statement.sqlConnection = connection;
statement.text = sql;
if (callBack!=null)
statement.addEventListener(SQLEvent.RESULT, callBack);
statement.addEventListener(SQLEvent.RESULT, onStatementSuccess);
statement.addEventListener(SQLErrorEvent.ERROR, function():void {
catch (error:SQLError)
this.handleErrors(error, sql, callBack, failCallBack);
* Utility method to clean bad characters that can break SQL commands
* @param str
* @return
public static function removeBadCharacters(str:String):String
var retVal:String = str.split("'").join("’’");
return retVal;
// ------------------------------HANDLERS----------------------------
* Method to handle SQL command that create the dataabase.
* If the method was created due to a fail SQL command method checks if need to repeate any SQL command.
* @param event
private function onDatabaseReady(event:Event=null):void
var evt:Event = new Event(DATABASE_READY);
if (repeateSqlCommand != "")
this.executeCustomCommand(repeateSqlCommand, repeateCallBack, repeateFailCallBack);
repeateSqlCommand = "";
repeateFailCallBack = null;
repeateCallBack = null;
* Handle successful calls
* @param event
private function onStatementSuccess(event:SQLEvent):void
var results:Object = statement.getResult();
var evt:StatementSuccessEvent = new StatementSuccessEvent(COMMAND_EXEC_SUCCESSFULLY, results);
* Error handler
* @param error
* @param sql
* @param callBack
* @param failCallBack
private function handleErrors(error:SQLError, sql:String, callBack:Function, failCallBack:Function):void
trace("Error message:", error.message);
trace("Details:", error.details);
if (error.details == "no such table: '"+tableName+"'")
repeateSqlCommand = sql;
repeateFailCallBack = failCallBack;
repeateCallBack = callBack;
if (failCallBack != null)
* Handler for fail calls
* @param event
private function fail(event:Event=null):void
var evt:Event = new Event(COMMAND_EXEC_FAILED);
* Method function to retrieve instance of the class
* @return The same instance of the class
public static function getInstance():SQLiteManager
if( instance == null )
instance = new SQLiteManager(new AccessRestriction());
return instance;
class AccessRestriction {} // can this happen ?
package sandacreative.sqlite
* Describes the contract for Objects that serve as a central point to access SQLite database.
* @author Elad Elrom
public interface ISQLiteManager
function start(dbFullFileName:String, tableName:String, createTableStatement:String):void
function close():void
package sandacreative.sqlite.events
import flash.events.Event;
public class StatementSuccessEvent extends Event
* Holds the event string name
public static var COMMAND_EXEC_SUCCESSFULLY:String = "command_exec_succesfully";
* Holds results object
public var results:Object;
* Default constructor
* @param type event name
* @param videoList video list collection
public function StatementSuccessEvent(type:String, results:Object)
this.results = results;
I took this code from Elad Elrom
Is that because i used both applicationComplete and Initilize together ? Please help
The error is kind of obvious. Your database hasn't been created/connected yet before your button is pressed. Also, the createTable
function is never called because you never keep state on your connection
Before any statement is executed, you should always check that the DB is connected. For all you know, the connection failed.
And thirdly (and probably most important), you are doing a synchronous execution because you used connection.open
. For this to work, you need to do connection.begin()
before executing any statements and finish with connection.commit()
. I think the better way for you to go here is to use connection.openAsync
instead to create an asynchronous execution which is easier to manage and probably what you wanted to do. Only use synchronous if the order of the statements are important (like in a transaction or if one statement is dependent on another).