Let us say I have a list of directories:
Is there a simple way to distribute these directories into a specified number of directories? For instance something like:
distribute -t10 archive_*
should produce 10 directories: sub_1, sub_2, ... sub_10
and contain total number of archive_* directories/10
in each. Something like how split
works but for directories instead开发者_Python百科 of files. Any suggestions?
I don't think there is a Unix command for this, but you can use a simple Python script like this. To distribute all files in a directory, invoke as distribute.py -c10 -p sub *
import sys, os, shutil
from optparse import OptionParser
p = OptionParser()
p.add_option("-c", "--count", type="int", default=10,
help="Number of dirs to distribute into", metavar="NUM")
p.add_option("-p", "--prefix", type="string", default="sub",
help="Directory prefix", metavar="PREFIX")
(options, args) = p.parse_args()
for x in range(0, options.count):
os.mkdir("%s_%d" % (options.prefix, x))
c = 0
for f in args:
shutil.move(f, "%s_%d" % (options.prefix, c))
c += 1
c %= options.count
dirs=$(ls ${3})
for i in dirs
cd $i
for j in 1..$2
mkdir sub_$j
cd ..
execute it this way:
distribute -t 10 archive_