Like website:
When I try pan or zoom on the above site, feels very good similar to Google map, it's very smoothly 开发者_如何学JAVAfor this user experience.
my question is how I can implement this effect with openlayers respectively for pan and zoom? I could not find them in openlayers examples at least.
thanks for you attention.
following is part of my source code, maybe it works but not smoothly as I think
var map, layer; function init() { var options = { projection: "EPSG:900913", maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(18.203001,
47.078001, 399.909001, 261.796001),
scales: [2400, 1200, 600, 300, 150], units: "m", panDuration: 100, controls: [new OpenLayers.Control.Navigation( {dragPanOptions: {enableKinetic: true}} )] var tile = new SimpleTileCache("map",
{ 'format': 'image/png', transitionEffect: 'resize' });map.addLayers([tile]);
Effect is called as transitionEffect
You can implement this effect to your code by changing layers property.
I suppose you have a WMS or TMS layer.
var tiled_resize_effect = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(
"WMS tiled resize",
{layers: 'basic'},
{transitionEffect: 'resize'}
Check these examples
WMS Transition
Google Transition
Best Regards
For panning, that’s what’s called kinetic dragging, see: