I'm about to make a program (qt/gtk) where I need to display some kind of UML diagrams (like in BlueJ), I wanted to ask you if there 开发者_开发知识库is such a component in GTK
It must work with new version of Gtk - gi.repository
The name of library is enough for me, I'll read docs, but if somebody post here some simple demo, it'll be appreciated.
Thank you
Dia (Old homepage) is a GTK based UML drawing tool. It is a very good tool with a lot of options. It is available on a number distros from their repositories. It has both application & library (libdia) components. There are python bindings available as well. If you have not checked it out, you should.
Hope this helps!
I found gaphas
You should checkout GooCanvas, I think is the more complete library for that kind of work.
I use python and pygtk, and use matplotlib to draw graphs in the GUI.
See a sample here : http://www.serpia.org/blog/2007/nov/03/matplotlib-and-pygtk-app/