I have a page of more than 2500 anchor tag to process. Now in IE it is throwing the stop script error. Is it possible to do as a batch? Taking 500 executing it and then take the another 500 executing it??
This is the code...
ajaxLinks : function(el, flag) {
var links = $(el).find('a');
var notLinkAr=["a[href^=javascript]","#toolbarId ul li>a","#tool_settings .link a",".page-action-links li>a","#tool_settings .label a",".success-map .success-tabs li>a",".success-map .sm_loggedin li>a", ".analyst_cat li>a",".modal",".layer",".newpage",".close",".hideFromPopup",".pagenum",".next",".prev",".delete_src",".tips","#hidr","#backr"];
var notLinkI=$(notLinkAr[index]);
$(links).each(function(i, obj){
var link = $(obj);
link.attr('rel', link.attr('href'));
var rellnk = link.attr('rel');
if(flag=='ajaxified') {
var relurl;
relurl=rellnk.replace((window.location.protocol + "//"+ window.location.hostname),'')
link.attr('rel', relurl);;
link.bind('click', function(e){}
Iam adding a class for all the anchor tag(which is 2500) in a page.
jQuery's .slice may help you. http://api.jquery.com/slice/
var count = 0;
var ajaxify = function (el, flags) {
var links = $(el).find('a').slice(count, count + 500);
count = count + 500;
// Do the processing here
if (links.length) {
// Call it next time only if some data is returned in the current call
setTimeout("ajaxify()", 5000);
The above code is not tested, but should probably work.