
.NET 1.1 Captcha Implementation Compiler Error

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-06 19:54 出处:网络
I\'m quite new to ASP.NET.A client\'s server is running .NET 1.1 and I am trying to implement the simple captcha outlined here: http://www.codekicks.com/2008/04/implement-simple-captcha-in-cnet.html

I'm quite new to ASP.NET. A client's server is running .NET 1.1 and I am trying to implement the simple captcha outlined here: http://www.codekicks.com/2008/04/implement-simple-captcha-in-cnet.html

I have the following code in captcha/BuildCaptcha.aspx:

<%@ Page Language="C#" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Drawing" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Drawing.Color" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Drawing.Imaging" %> 
&l开发者_Python百科t;script language="C#" runat="server">
Bitmap objBMP = new Bitmap(60, 20);
Graphics objGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(objBMP);
objGraphics.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;
//' Configure font to use for text
Font objFont = new Font("Arial", 8, FontStyle.Italic);
string randomStr = "";
char[] myArray = new char[5];
int x;
//That is to create the random # and add it to our string
Random autoRand = new Random();
for (x = 0; x < 5; x++)
    myArray[x] = System.Convert.ToChar(autoRand.Next(65,90));
    randomStr += (myArray[x].ToString());
//This is to add the string to session, to be compared later
Session.Add("RandomStr", randomStr);
//' Write out the text
objGraphics.DrawString(randomStr, objFont, Brushes.Red, 3, 3);
//' Set the content type and return the image
Response.ContentType = "image/GIF";
objBMP.Save(Response.OutputStream, ImageFormat.Gif);

I am receiving the following error upon visiting captcha/BuildCaptcha.aspx:

Compiler Error Message: CS1519: Invalid token '(' in class, struct, or interface member declaration

Source Error:

Line 7:  Bitmap objBMP = new Bitmap(60, 20);
Line 8:  Graphics objGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(objBMP);
Line 9:  objGraphics.Clear(Color.Wheat);
Line 10: objGraphics.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;
Line 11: //' Configure font to use for text

Source File: \\...\captcha\BuildCaptcha.aspx    Line: 9 

Your help is appreciated.

Best, Mark

You should put this codes into a method, OnLoad for example:

<%@ Page Language="C#" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Drawing" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Drawing.Color" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Drawing.Imaging" %>
<script language="C#" runat="server">
    protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
        Bitmap objBMP = new Bitmap(60, 20);
        Graphics objGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(objBMP);
        objGraphics.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;
        //' Configure font to use for text
        Font objFont = new Font("Arial", 8, FontStyle.Italic);
        string randomStr = "";
        char[] myArray = new char[5];
        int x;
        //That is to create the random # and add it to our string
        Random autoRand = new Random();
        for (x = 0; x < 5; x++)
            myArray[x] = System.Convert.ToChar(autoRand.Next(65, 90));
            randomStr += (myArray[x].ToString());
        //This is to add the string to session, to be compared later
        Session.Add("RandomStr", randomStr);
        //' Write out the text
        objGraphics.DrawString(randomStr, objFont, Brushes.Red, 3, 3);
        //' Set the content type and return the image
        Response.ContentType = "image/GIF";
        objBMP.Save(Response.OutputStream, ImageFormat.Gif);


Try this one instead from CodeProject. It works very well CAPTCHA Image



验证码 换一张
取 消
