How do make my three tables share the same "part_no" field as primary key? I need to access "part_no" with three different tables. How? Do they have to be the same name?
TABLE NAME: cartons_current
| Column | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| part_no | varchar(20) | 开发者_JAVA技巧 No | Prim | | |
| qty | int(8) | No | | | |
| qty_time | timestamp | No | | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | |
TABLE NAME: cartons_add
| Column | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| part_no | varchar(20) | No | Prim | | |
| add_qty | int(8) | No | | | |
| add_time | timestamp | No | | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | |
TABLE NAME: cartons_pull
| Column | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| part_no | varchar(20) | No | Prim | | |
| pull_qty | int(8) | No | | | |
| pull_time | timestamp | No | | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | |
If you want to select the records that share a primary key use the following select.
SELECT cc.part_no, cc.qty, cc.qty_time
, ca.add_qty as qty_added, ca.add_time as time_added
, cp.pull_qty as qty_pulled, cp.pull_time as time_pulled
FROM cartons_current cc
INNER JOIN cartons_add ca ON (ca.part_no = cc.part_no)
INNER JOIN cartons_pull cp ON (cp.part_no = cc.part_no)
WHERE cc.part_no = '124'