On Android phone, I used setEntity() to put the FileEntity to the POST request.
HttpPost post = new HttpPost(uri);
FileEntity reqEntity = new FileEntity(f, "application/x-gzip");
post.addHeader("X-AethersNotebook-Custom", configuration.getCustomHeader());
When using bottle, tried this but it is not working
f = request.body
gzipper = gzip.GzipFile( fileobj= f )
content = gzipper.read()
The content will be an empty string. So I tried to look at request.forms and request.files. Both of them have no key and value.
When searching, I read about the entity: "a request MAY transfer entity" and the entity has entity-header and entity-value. So it may be something like file-content = e.get(entity-header).
Using that code, the phone send file using chunked encoding. Because py-bottle does not support chunked enconding, the solution here is rewrite the android to send file as body of POST request.