I'm attempting to create an array from parsed JSON. I know that the JSON is parsing correctly because I tested it by outputting the values into the console. I then changed the code to:
// Start parsing the json
SBJsonParser *parser = [[SBJsonParser alloc] init];
NSError *jsonError;
parsedJson = [[parser objectWithString:myRawJson error:&jsonError] copy];
[parser release];
NSDictionary *price = [parsedJson objectForKey:@"prices"];
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [price objectEnumerator];
NSDictionary* item;
while (item = (NSDictionary*)[enumerator nextObject]) {
NSArray *price_chunk = [[NSArray alloc] arrayWithObjects:[item objectForKey:@"id"],[item objectForKey:@"table"],[item objectForKey:@"table_id"],[item objectForKey:@"value"],nil];
NSLog(@"Prices ID: %@", [price_chunk objectAtIndex:0]);
NSLog(@"Prices Table: %@", [price_chunk objectAtIndex:1]);
NSLog(@"Prices Table ID: %@", [price_chunk objectAtIndex:2]);
NSLog(@"Prices Value: %@", [price_chunk objectAtIndex:3]);
So I'm trying to make the array, and then test the array by outputting the data into the console. The app crashes, and I receive:
2011-09-21 11:36:56.397 vegas_hipster[23496:207] -[__NSPlaceholderArray arrayWithObjects:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x631b820
2011-09-21 11:36:56.399 vegas_hipster[23496:207] * Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[__NSPlaceholderArray arrayWithObjects:]: unrecogn开发者_如何学编程ized selector sent to instance 0x631b820'
* Call stack at first throw:
0 CoreFoundation 0x01624be9 __exceptionPreprocess + 185
1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x017795c2 objc_exception_throw + 47
2 CoreFoundation 0x016266fb -[NSObject(NSObject) doesNotRecognizeSelector:] + 187
3 CoreFoundation 0x01596366 ___forwarding___ + 966
4 CoreFoundation 0x01595f22 _CF_forwarding_prep_0 + 50
5 vegas_hipster 0x0006ec88 -[UpdateViewController update:] + 1433
6 UIKit 0x003bfa6e -[UIApplication sendAction:to:from:forEvent:] + 119
7 UIKit 0x0044e1b5 -[UIControl sendAction:to:forEvent:] + 67
8 UIKit 0x00450647 -[UIControl(Internal) _sendActionsForEvents:withEvent:] + 527
9 UIKit 0x0044f438 -[UIControl touchesBegan:withEvent:] + 277
10 UIKit 0x003e4025 -[UIWindow _sendTouchesForEvent:] + 395
11 UIKit 0x003c537a -[UIApplication sendEvent:] + 447
12 UIKit 0x003ca732 _UIApplicationHandleEvent + 7576
13 GraphicsServices 0x01dd2a36 PurpleEventCallback + 1550
15 CoreFoundation 0x015666f7 __CFRunLoopDoSource1 + 215
16 CoreFoundation 0x01563983 __CFRunLoopRun + 979
17 CoreFoundation 0x01563240 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 208
18 CoreFoundation 0x01563161 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 97
19 GraphicsServices 0x01dd1268 GSEventRunModal + 217
20 GraphicsServices 0x01dd132d GSEventRun + 115
21 UIKit 0x003ce42e UIApplicationMain + 1160
22 vegas_hipster 0x00002330 main + 102
23 vegas_hipster 0x000022c1 start + 53
24 ??? 0x00000001 0x0 + 1
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'NSException'
Program received signal: “SIGABRT”.
You need to use initWithObjects:
method, not arrayWithObjects
[[NSArray alloc] arrayWithObjects:...
isn't valid. Try:
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:...