Basically I want the same functionality that you get by using the RadioSelection attribute except that it allows multiple selections to be made.
Something like this:
private IList<int> currentSelections;
private IList<string> myList;
Loo开发者_运维技巧king at the documentation there doesn't seem to be a mention of anything like this. So my question is: Can a Checkbox Selection list be created with the present version of MonoTouch.Dialog? If so, then how? If not, is there a better way to handle this case?
You'll have to extend MT.Dialog to do this.
This is the approach I used to achieve this:
var root new RootElement() {
new Section("Bacon"){
new RootElement ("Types", new RadioGroup (0)){
new Section(){
new CheckboxElement ("Smokey"),
new CheckboxElement ("Streaky"),
new CheckboxElement ("Rasher")
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