I am using ColdFusion 9 and the latest and greatest jQuery.
At the top of my page, I use this:
<cfajaxproxy cfc="artists" jsclassname="jsApp">
I have a search field:
<input id="Artist" class="Search" type="text">
When a user types in the search field, the value is passed into a jQuery function:
$(".Search").keyup(function() {
var Artist = $("#Artist").val();
var QString = "Artist=" + Artist;
The search results 开发者_如何学Cdiv loads a page with these items in CFSCRIPT:
objArtists = createObject("component", "artists");
GetArtists = objArtists.getArtists(Artist);
I have a CFC that runs the query and returns the correct records.
The PROBLEM is that when I type in the search box, as soon as I hit a space, no further value is added to the QString variable, and so those values aren't passed to the query.
Here's how much search string looks in Firebug when searching for "The Beatles":
It's stops as soon as it sees a space.
So, if you were searching for "The Beatles", only the value "The" would be passed into the QString variable. If you were searching for "Celine Dion", only "Celine" would be passed.
I am assuming that I need to URL encode the QString somehow. Is that correct? How do I do that?
var QString = "Artist=" + encodeURIComponent(Artist);