I got a grid that I want to move mouse over. While I am just hovering and moving mouse I want events to fire, but when I press mousedown they sh开发者_JS百科ould pause firing. Once I fire mouseup they should continue.
If that sounds super easy, it probably isn't. After some time we came up with a not very elegant solution, but I wonder whether something better exists. I won't influence your approach with our hack.
So initial code that doesn't work
Adding .SkipUntil(mouseUp)
left or right to TakeUntil
basicly stop above code from working at all.
How about this:
bool mouseIsDown = false;
mouseDown.Select(_ => true),
mouseUp.Select(_ => false)
).Subscribe(x => mouseIsDown = x);
mouseMove.Where(_ => !mouseIsDown);
The technically correct answer involves the Window operator, but this is just as good and easier to grok (and easier for me to write)
this could be a posible solution
// create the observables
IObservable<Point> mouseMove = Observable.FromEventPattern<MouseEventArgs>(this, "MouseDown")
IObservable<bool> mouseDown = Observable.FromEventPattern(this, "MouseDown").Select(_ => false);
IObservable<bool> mouseUp = Observable.FromEventPattern(this, "MouseUp").Select(_ => true);
var merged = mouseUp.Merge(mouseDown).StartWith(true);
// sends the moves with the current state of the mouse button
var all = mouseMove.CombineLatest(merged, (move, take) => new {Take = take, Move = move});
// the result is all the points from mouse move where the mouse button isn't pressed
var result = all.Where(t => t.Take).Select(t => t.Move);
Below are 2 possible solutions
var beh = new BehaviorSubject<bool>(true);
mousedown.Select(_ => false).Subscribe(beh);
mouseup.Select(_ => true).Subscribe(beh);
mousemove.SelectMany(e =>
return mousemove.TakeUntil(beh.Where(b => !b));
}).Subscribe( .... );
var du = mousedown.Select(_ => false).Merge(mouseup.Select(_ => true)).Merge(Observable.Return(true));
mousemove.CombineLatest(du, (ev, b) => new Tuple<MouseEventArgs, bool>(ev.EventArgs, b))
.Where(t => t.Item2)
.Select(t => t.Item1)
This works:
var mouseMoveWhileUpOnly =
.Select(mu =>
The only trick you need to do to get the observable started without actually needing to manually do a mouse up is this:
var mouseUp = Observable
.FromEventPattern<MouseButtonEventHandler, MouseButtonEventArgs>(
h => this.MouseLeftButtonUp += h,
h => this.MouseLeftButtonUp -= h)
.Select(ep => Unit.Default)
Note the StartWith
Otherwise the mouseDown
& mouseMove
observables are defined normally.