
How to send webkit user agents to one site version and all the rest to another?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-06 09:34 出处:网络
I am a humble graphic designer who is trying his best to learn development. I have a challenging question that I need some very clear and straightforward help with. From my research it seems that my s

I am a humble graphic designer who is trying his best to learn development. I have a challenging question that I need some very clear and straightforward help with. From my research it seems that my solution can be accomplished with PHP or Javascript. I am totally an infant in both languages but I don't care which one is used. Preferably whatever is easiest for a noob like me.

So her is the deal…

I have a site I have just put together with a bunch of nice -webkit-transforms http://www.eameswords.com I want to send desktop Safari/Chrome to this site. I want to send iPad and iPhone to a separate touch enabled version too.

The kicker…

I have an Adobe flash version of the site as well. It does all the same interactivity. I want to send user agents for IE, Firefox and Opera to this version.

So I have 3 versions of my site!!

I would like to put all 开发者_运维百科three versions of my site in three separate folders for organizational purposes.

So I need three types of user agent detection and three redirects:

iPad & iPhone (mobile Safari) ––––> folder01

Webkit Browsers (Safari/Chrome) ———> folder02

All other browsers (IE, Firefox, etc.) ————> folder03

This is crazy but I need some serious help to make this work. If anyone can give me a straightforward answer I would be happy to swap any of my design skills to pay-it-back. I say this because I need someone to literally write out the solution so I can process it, learn from it. I am really bad at piecing code together.

Thank you so much in advance!!!

Check the user-agent header for the signature.

For example, in PHP:

$user_agent = $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"];
//Condition checks: Does $user_agent equal the signature of a webkit browser?
//If not, redirect: header("Location: main.php?nonwebkit=true");

Search for the existence of "webkit" in the User agent string. If it exists, fine. Otherwise, redirect the user to the flash page.

jquery solution:

$(document).ready(function() {
     if(navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i)){
        else if ($.browser.webkit){


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