I know it is a common problem, i searched google and look at everything in first 4 pages, have tried many possibilities but no result so far.
Here is C++ code part:
JNIEnv* create_vm(JavaVM ** jvm) {
char * str=(char *)"-Djava.class.path=.";
JNIEnv *env;
JavaVMInitArgs vm_args;
JavaVMOption options;
options.optionString = str; //Path to the java source code
vm_args.version = JNI_VERSION_1_6; //JDK version. This indicates version 1.6
vm_args.nOptions = 1;
vm_args.options = &options;
vm_args.ignoreUnrecognized = 0;
int ret = JNI_CreateJavaVM(jvm, (void**)&env, &vm_args);
if(ret < 0)
printf("\nUnable 开发者_如何学运维to Launch JVM\n");
return env;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
JNIEnv *env;
JavaVM * jvm;
env = create_vm(&jvm);
if (env == NULL)
return 1;
jclass clsMain=NULL;
jmethodID mid = NULL;
//Obtaining Classes
clsMain = env->FindClass("Main");
//Obtaining Method IDs
if (clsMain != NULL)
mid = env->GetStaticMethodID(clsMain, "myMethod", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Z");
printf("\nUnable to find the requested class\n"); //this runs
I do not know how to catch exception and learn its name in JNI.
Also Main.class is in the same directory with the file has this C++ code part.
i add these lines to find exception from Java after FindClass line:
clsMain = env->FindClass("Main");
jthrowable exc;
exc = env->ExceptionOccurred();
if (exc) {
jclass newExcCls;
then it throws NoClassDefFoundException
thus i edit the JavaVMInitArgs.options
i mean i edit the:
char * str=(char *)"-Djava.class.path=.";
line to:
char * str=(char *)"-Djava.class.path=/path/to/my/jars:/path/to/my/other/jars:.";
now everything is fine. Thanks
NoClassDefFoundError occures when the JVM was unable to find a class at runtime and the class was yet found by the compîler at compile time.
So you're problem is probably a problem about the content of your Java code and/or the definition of your classpath. Your Java code is probably calling a class which is not available in the current directory.
What you should do is create a jar file with everything which is needed by your JNI call.
Remark: On Windows, use ";" as the classpath separator instead of ":".
options[0].optionString = "-Djava.class.path=<path_to_my_java_class>:<path_to_my_jar_file>";
I tried methods mentioned above on my Mac and it didn't work. At last, I uncompressed my jar files and put them in my project folder, it works for me now.