
Batch file to delete all folders in a directory except a specified list

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-06 06:25 出处:网络
I\'m loo开发者_开发技巧king for a batch file that will go into C:\\Documents and Settings\\ and delete all folders except a few that I want to keep.Here\'s a hack-around =D

I'm loo开发者_开发技巧king for a batch file that will go into C:\Documents and Settings\ and delete all folders except a few that I want to keep.

Here's a hack-around =D

If you have a list of folder paths in say folders.txt listed as so:

  • C:\Documents and Settings\Mechaflash
  • C:\Documents and Settings\Mom
  • C:\Documents and Settings\Dad

etc. What you can do is temporarily change them to hidden folders, then RMDIR on all non-hidden folders.

CD "C:\Documents and Settings\"
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN (folders.txt) DO (
 ATTRIB +H "%%A" /S /D
FOR /F "USEBACKQ tokens=*" %%F IN (`DIR /B /A:-HD "C:\Documents and Settings\"`) DO (
 RMDIR /S /Q %%A
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN (folders.txt) DO (
 ATTRIB -H "%%A" /S /D

A solution using robocopy:

cd /d "C:\Documents and Settings"
md tmp
robocopy . tmp /E /MOVE /XD folderToKeep1 folderToKeep2 ...
rd /s /q tmp

rem the last space character is deliberate
set yourKeepList="abc def "
for /f %%f in ('dir /b/ad "C:\Documents and Settings"') do (
    (echo %yourKeepList% | findstr /v /i "%%f " 1>nul) && rd /q/s %%f


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