I have a problem with my stand alone C#.net application when comes to datetimepicker. It tooks me weeks and not able to get it solve. I hope you can give me a hand.
I have a [create booking], [Search Booking], and [DB] using ms access.
1) Create booking date using the datetimepicker.
format= short
cmd.CommandText = "insert into booking(cname, bdate, btime, ccontact, sname) Values('" + txt_cname.Text + "','" + **dtp_bdate.Value.Date** + "','" + dtp_btime.Value + "','" + txt_ccontact.Text + "','" + txt_sname.Text + "')";
2) Data store in DB is correct. Example: 01/10/2011 (it is 1st of October 2011)
3) Search Booking date using the datetimepicker. 开发者_开发技巧format= short
string strSql = String.Format("SELECT * FROM booking WHERE bdate = #{0}#", dtp_search.Value.Date);
When I try to search as in 01/10/2011. It doesn't return the result for me. But when I try to search as in 10/1/2011, it then appeared the result.
I checked on the DB and confirm the date format is saved as 01/10/2011. But I don't understand why and how this weird thing happen.
Can any kind man give me a hand?
Truly appreciated in advance.
Thank you, Gary Yee
Looks like Access allows fixed format dates in sql queries (MM/DD/YYYY). And the date is displayed formatted according to the current culture of the database browser (so you get DD/MM/YYYY). Just use (MM/DD/YYYY) in queries.
"IF" your data is correct, try using parameters instead:
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
using (var cn = new OleDbConnection(strConn))
using (var cmd = new OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM booking WHERE bdate = @bdate", cn))
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@bdate", dtp_bdate.Value.Date);
using (OleDbDataAdapter oda = new OleDbDataAdapter(cmd))
Otherwise, try debugging your statement by trying >= or <= for your "WHERE bdate = @bdate" statement to see if that changes the results.