I want to automatically define incrementing variable names.
So instead of this:
$Var1 = 'This is variable one :P'
$Var2 = 'This is variable two :P'
I'd like this (pseudo code):
For $i = 1 to UBound($People)-1
**$var[$i]** = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox($var[$i], 24, $y, 200, 17)
$y = $y + 25
Does anyone know how?
The code should make as many checkboxes as defined in an array and every checkbox should have its own v开发者_开发问答ariable.
You're looking for the Assign
Check out this example:
For $i = 1 To 5
Assign('var' & $i, $i);
Then you can access these variables with:
MsgBox(4096, "My dynamic variables", $var1)
MsgBox(4096, "My dynamic variables", $var3)
MsgBox(4096, "My dynamic variables", $var5)
Obviously, var2
and var3
can be utilised too :)
Edit: For clarity, what you would have been doing, if you had done it properly, was storing those values in an array - which is the best method for this kind of thing.
so instead of this:
$Var1 = 'This is variable one :P' $Var2 = 'This is variable two :P'
I'd like this (pseudo code):
For $i = 1 to UBound($People)-1 **$var[$i]** = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox($var[$i], 24, $y, 200, 17) $y = $y + 25 Next
Does anyone know how this could be done?
As per Documentation - Intro - Arrays:
An Array is a variable containing a series of data elements. Each element in this variable can be accessed by an index number which relates to the position of the element within the Array - in AutoIt the first element of an Array is always element [0]. Arrays elements are stored in a defined order and can be sorted.
Dynamic checkbox creation example, assigning multiple checkbox-control identifiers to a single array (untested, no error-checking):
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
Global Const $g_iBoxStartX = 25
Global Const $g_iBoxStartY = 25
Global Const $g_iBoxWidth = 100
Global Const $g_iBoxHeight = 15
Global Const $g_iBoxSpace = 0
Global Const $g_iBoxAmount = Random(2, 20, 1)
Global Const $g_iBoxTextEx = $g_iBoxAmount -1
Global Const $g_sBoxTextEx = 'Your text here.'
Global Const $g_iWindDelay = 50
Global Const $g_iWinWidth = $g_iBoxWidth * 2
Global Const $g_iWinHeight = ($g_iBoxStartY * 2) + ($g_iBoxHeight * $g_iBoxAmount) + ($g_iBoxSpace * $g_iBoxAmount)
Global Const $g_sWinTitle = 'Example'
Global $g_hGUI
Global $g_aID
Func Main()
$g_hGUI = GUICreate($g_sWinTitle, $g_iWinWidth, $g_iWinHeight)
$g_aID = GUICtrlCreateCheckboxMulti($g_iBoxStartX, $g_iBoxStartY, $g_iBoxWidth, $g_iBoxHeight, $g_iBoxSpace, $g_iBoxAmount)
GUICtrlSetData($g_aID[$g_iBoxTextEx], $g_sBoxTextEx)
GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $g_hGUI)
While Not (GUIGetMsg() = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE)
Func GUICtrlCreateCheckboxMulti(Const $iStartX, Const $iStartY, Const $iWidth, Const $iHeight, Const $iSpace, Const $iAmount, Const $sTextTpl = 'Checkbox #%s')
Local $iYPosCur = 0
Local $sTextCur = ''
Local $aID[$iAmount]
For $i1 = 0 To $iAmount -1
$iYPosCur = $iStartY + ($iHeight * $i1) + ($iSpace * $i1)
$sTextCur = StringFormat($sTextTpl, $i1 +1)
$aID[$i1] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox($sTextCur, $iStartX, $iYPosCur, $iWidth, $iHeight)
Return $aID
demonstrates- array declaration (
) - assignment of array elements in a
-loop ($aID[$i1] = ...
- array declaration (
demonstrates selection of an individual element (changing its text usingGUICtrlSetData()
).- Adjust constants as required (