I have a Jar which fetches the DLL from some path whi开发者_C百科ch is specified in configuration file. I keep that configuration file at the location from where I am executing my application. That DLL is also installed somewhere else.
Now I want to make my Jar which should consist of (classes &) DLL. I don't want to give any path because that configuration file may not be present.
How to proceed with this? How to make jar and what changes do I need to do?
If your app. has a GUI, the easy way to include native libraries on the run-time class-path of the application is to use Java Web Start to deploy it. Here are how the resource sections of the JNLP launch file might look.
<resources >
<j2se version="1.6+"/>
<!-- Supply this resource to all -->
<jar href="ourapp.jar" size="100000" />
<!-- Supply this resource to SunOS/sparc only -->
<resources os="SunOS" arch="sparc">
<nativelib href="sunlibs.jar" size="250000" />
<!-- Supply this resource to Windows only -->
<resources os="Windows">
<nativelib href="winlibs.jar" size="300000" />
JWS partitions the downloads, so Mac. and any non SunOS *nix get just 100,000 bytes of core Java. SunOS gets a total download of 350,000 bytes, and Windows gets 400,000 bytes. The application can then load the native using something like:
After that, the native should be loaded and ready for use in any OS for which a native was supplied.
Deployment via. JWS has a number of advantages, including:
- A cross-platform and convenient way to deploy natives.
- Partitioned download of the natives.
- Automatic update of application resources (classes, natives, etc..)
- Avoiding "DLL Hell" by way of the automatic updates.