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ssh invocation in script function
Below UNIX script abruptly ends while reading second line from file. When I comment 'ssh' command the script works as expected. I think I will have to run ssh command in a different process, but haven't got a handle yet as regards to how to do that. Any help in resolving this problem is highly appreciated.
exec 3<&0
exec 0<./bulkInput.dat
#cat ./bulkInput.dat | while read searchToken || (echo "reading failedi $?" && false)
while true
index=`expr $index + 1`
if [ $index -gt 450 ]
echo "Index limit reached. Now exiting"
exit 0
read searchToken
if [ $? -ne "0" ]
echo "Read failed"
echo "Search token is "${searchToken}
echo "************************************ **********************************"
echo "plsa0666 WSIP server " > WSIP.log
ssh zq742888@plsa0666 'grep -r '$searchToken' /logs/jas/was60/wsip/wsip*/wsip*' >> WSIP.log
echo "plsa0667 WSIP server " >> WSIP.log
#ssh zq742888@plsa0667 'grep -r '$searchToken' /logs/jas/was60/wsip/wsip*/wsip*' >> WSIP.log
echo "plsa0668 WSIP server " >> WSIP.log
#ssh zq742888@plsa0668 'grep -r '$searchToken' /logs/jas/was60/wsip/wsip*/wsip*' >> WSIP.log
echo "plsa4407 WSIP server " >> WSIP.log
#ssh zq742888@plsa4407 'grep -r '$searchToken' /logs/jas/was60/wsip/wsip*/wsip*' >> WSIP.log
echo "plsa0412 server " >> WSIP.log
cp开发者_StackOverflow中文版 WSIP.log bulk/WSIP.log_${searchToken}
echo $?
exec 0<&3
echo "Exiting script"*
is reading all of stdin and exhausting it, causing the next shell read
to return false and break the loop. Try one of these:
ssh -n zq742888@plsa0666 ...
ssh < /dev/null zq742888@plsa0666 ...
to prevent this behavior.
Run the ssh command from the shell prompt and see what it does. If it is asking for input (e.g. password) then that may be problem.
There is also a flag to run in script mode(from memory -b but you should check) and that may also help you.
The -i flag allows you to specify the key to use if that is the problem.