I'm trying to make an ant target that only runs the JUnit tests on a project without any other prior actions (no depends). I'm using Emma to instrument these in another target, and then I have another target that does a bytecode mutation on these instrumented classes. All that is working and I can get JUnit to run in that target after I've performed the instrumentation/mutation steps but I need to have the ability to just run the JUnit tests separately from this compile-instrument-mutate chain.
I've build a target that looks like this:
<target name="mutant-test-run" description="Run tests with mutation applied">
<path id="run.classpath">
<pathelement location="${out.dir}" />
<mkdir dir="${reports}" />
<junit printsummary="yes" fork="true">
<pathelement location="${out.instr.dir}" />
<path refid="junit.classpath" />
<path refid="famaLib.classpath" />
<path refid="run.classpath" />
<path refid="emma.lib" />
<jvmarg value="-Demma.coverage.out.file=${coverage.dir}/coverage.emma" />
<jvmarg value="-Demma.coverage.out.merge=true" />
<formatter type="plain" />
<formatter type="xml" />
<batchtest todir="${reports}">
<fileset dir="${src.dir}">
<include name="test1.java" />
<include name="test2.java" />
<include name="test3.java" />
<include name="test4.java" />
<include name="test5.java" />
<emma enabled="${emma.enabled}">
<report sourcepath="${src.dir}" sort="+block,+name,+method,+class" metrics="method:70,block:80,line:80,class:100">
<fileset dir="${coverage.dir}">
<include name="*.emma" />
<!-- for every type of report desired, configure a nested
element; various report parameters can be inherited from the parent <report>
and individually overridden for each report type:-->
<txt outfile="${coverage.dir}/coverage.txt" depth="package" columns="class,method,block,line,name" />
<xml outfile="${coverage.dir}/coverage.xml" depth="package" />
<html outfile="${coverage.dir}/coverage.html" depth="method" columns="name,class,method,block,line" />
The jUnit task within the target doesn't get executed however, all I get is the output from the mkdir task and the emma task.
m1> ${ANT_HOME}/bin/ant -f nnbuild.xml -verbose mutant-test-run Apache Ant(TM) version 1.8.2 compiled on July 5 2011 Buildfile: (Elided path here)/nnbuild.xml Detected Java version: 1.6 in: /usr/lib64/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun-1.6.0/jre Detected OS: Linux parsing buildfile (Elided path)/nnbuild.xml with URI = file:(Elided pa开发者_Go百科th)/nnbuild.xml Project base dir set to: (Elided path) parsing buildfile jar:file:(Elided ANT_HOME path)/ant/lib/ant.jar!(Elided ANT_HOME path)/ant/antlib.xml with URI = jar:file:(Elided ANT_HOME path)/ant/lib/ant.jar!/org/apache/tools/ant/antlib.xml from a zip file Build sequence for target(s) `mutant-test-run' is [mutant-test-run] Complete build sequence is [mutant-test-run, emma, clean, init, compile, run, emma-run, merge, all, sofya, ] mutant-test-run: [mkdir] Skipping (Elided path)/reports because it already exists. [emma] [EMMA v2.0, build 5312 (2005/06/12 19:32:43)] [report] processing input files ... [report] 1 file(s) read and merged in 48 ms [report] nothing to do: no runtime coverage data found in any of the data files BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 0 seconds m1>
How do you setup an ant target to only do JUnit tests?
It looks like your fileset is wrong for the batchtest element, I think maybe you need to include a **:
<batchtest todir="${reports}">
<fileset dir="${src.dir}">
<include name="test1.java" />
<include name="test2.java" />
<include name="test3.java" />
<include name="test4.java" />
<include name="test5.java" />
From the examples on the page JUnit Task, you can use:
<batchtest fork="yes" todir="${reports.tests}">
<fileset dir="${src.tests}">
<include name="**/*Test*.java"/>
<exclude name="**/AllTests.java"/>
Where the ** means in any sub-directory.
Another example:
<batchtest todir="${collector.dir}" unless="hasFailingTests">
<fileset dir="${collector.dir}" includes="**/*.java" excludes="**/${collector.class}.*"/>