I want to convert string into phone number format. For example I have string in which I have value, "456897012". Now I want to convert it in phone number format like as (456)897-012. So what is process for that? How can I do that?
Something like this should work out I guess;
NSString *unformatted = @"5129876985";
NSArray *stringComponents = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[unformatted substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, 3)],
[unformatted substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(3, 3)],
[unformatted substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(6, [unformatted length]-6)], nil];
NSString *formattedString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"(%@)%@-%@", [stringComponents objectAtIndex:0], [stringComponents objectAtIndex:1], [stringComponents objectAtIndex:2]];
NSLog(@"Formatted Phone Number: %@", formattedString);
Suppose you have the oldPhone
[oldPhone insertString: @"(" atIndex: 0];
[oldPhone insertString: @")" atIndex: 4];
[oldPhone insertString: @"-" atIndex: 9];
Have not test it.
Hope that helps