I'm trying to make full flash site dynamically resize in any browser size.
If the browser gets smaller than the site MC should constrain to fit in the browser. (EX: 1440x900) What I have right now works like 98% of the time, but when I switch to a bigger screen size, it screws up and makes the site tiny from left to right (menu, logo, etc.) (Ex:1680x1050)
Does anyone know how to fix that issue??
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, handleObjectsOnStage);
private function handleObjectsOnStage(event:Event):void
private function positionScenesOnStage():void
backgroundMC = new bgMC();
backgroundMC.x = 0;
backgroundMC.y = 0;
backgroundMC.width = stage.stageWidth;
backgroundMC.height = stage.stageHeight;
logo_mc = new LogoMC();
logo_mc.x = stage.stageWidth - 1420;
logo_mc.y = stage.stageHeight - 700;
menuContainer = new MenuContainerMC();
menuContainer.x = stage.stageWidth - 400;
menuContainer.y = stage.stageHeight - 680;
for the browser flash invocation code you need to add the params:
<param name="scale" value="noscale" />
<param name="salign" value="lt" />
plus the corresponding settings in the embed tag and if you use javascript to invoke the flash add to that as well.