bitwise operators only work on integers in PHP and the maximum size of an integer is 2^63 on 64bit servers. If I create a value greater than that it will cast my variable to a float and bitwise operators will stop functioning. I have the following example:
$CAN_SING = 4;
$CAN_PLAY = 8;
$CAN_BEGOD = pow(2,64);
$userperms = $CAN_PLAY | $CAN_DANCE | $CAN_SING | $CAN_BEGOD;
if($userperms & $CAN_DANCE)
echo 'This will work';
if($userperms & $CAN_BEGOD)
echo 'This will not work';
Naturally it will return t开发者_高级运维rue for the first check as thats less than 2^63 however for the latter I assign it to 2^64 which is too great for an integer and it incorrectly returns false. Is there any way to make it work for greater than 2^63? Otherwise I will only be able to use bitperms for upto 63 different items only.
GMP comes to mind, this is encapsulated (see full code/demo):
$CAN_DANCE = Gmp(2);
$CAN_SING = Gmp(4);
$CAN_PLAY = Gmp(8);
$CAN_BEGOD = Gmp(2)->pow(64);
$userperms = Gmp($CAN_PLAY)->or($CAN_DANCE, $CAN_SING, $CAN_BEGOD);
echo 'This will work', "\n";
echo 'This will work', "\n";
This will work with much larger numbers, however, the numbers are resources (Gmp::number()
) or strings ((string) Gmp
) and as long as each instance lives, the Gmp
object as well.
Because this function return int, maybe you could you use the gmp_pow() function, and to calculate the rusults you can use the gmp_or() and for the if steatments you can use gmp_and()
You could try using a bit array:
$bitArray = array();
$bitArray[0] = $word0;
$bitArray[1] = $word1;
If you need $nFlags bits and $bitsPerWord = 64, then you'll create $nFlags/$bitsPerWord words.