
Rspec false positive because failure exception is rescued in code being tested

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-05 07:45 出处:网络
I have an rspec test that I expect to fail, but it is passing because the code that it is testing rescues the exception that rspec raises. Here\'s an example of the situation:

I have an rspec test that I expect to fail, but it is passing because the code that it is testing rescues the exception that rspec raises. Here's an example of the situation:

class Thing do

  def self.method_being_tested( object )
    # ... do some stuff

 开发者_Go百科   rescue Exception => e
      # Swallow the exception and log it


In the rspec file:

describe "method_being_tested" do
  it "should not call 'save!' on the object passed in" do
    # ... set up the test conditions

    mock_object.should_not_receive( :save! )
    Thing.method_being_tested( mock_object )

I knew that the execution was reaching the "object.save!" line of the method being tested, and the test should therefore be failing, but the test passes. Using the debugger in the rescue block, I find the following:

(rdb:1) p e # print the exception object "e"
#<RSpec::Mocks::MockExpectationError: (Mock "TestObject_1001").save!
    expected: 0 times
    received: 1 time>

So basically the test is failing but, but the failure is being suppressed by the very code it is trying to test. I cannot figure out a viable way to stop this code from swallowing Rspec exceptions without somehow compromising the code. I don't want the code to explicitly check if the exception is an Rspec exception, because that is bad design (tests should be written for code, code should never be written for tests). But I also can't check that the exception is any particular type that I DO want it to catch, because I want it to catch ANYTHING that could be raised in a normal production environment.

Someone must have had this problem before me! Please help me find a solution.

Assuming the code is correct as-is:

describe "method_being_tested" do
  it "should not call 'save!' on the object passed in" do
    # ... set up the test conditions
    calls = 0
    mock_object.stub(:save!) { calls += 1 }
    expect {Thing.method_being_tested(mock_object)}.to_not change{calls}

If there's no need to catch absolutely all exceptions including SystemExit, NoMemoryError, SignalException etc (input from @vito-botta):

rescue StandardError => e
  # Swallow "normal" exceptions and log it

StandardError is the default exception level caught by rescue.

from rspec-mock:

module RSpec
  module Mocks
    class MockExpectationError < Exception

    class AmbiguousReturnError < StandardError

Do you really need to catch Exception? Could you catch StandardError instead?

Catching all exceptions is generally a bad thing.

I would refactor it like so:

class Thing do

  def self.method_being_tested!( object )

    # ... do some stuff

    return object.save


If you want to ignore the exception thrown by save! there is no point in calling save! in the first place. You just call save and inform the calling code accordingly.



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