This should be quite simple but I can`t fix it :/
I am using a component that displays a list of months, the upcoming 12 to be exact. However, the year does not change to 2012 when past December.
See here:开发者_如何学运维ation.html
And the code that calls it:
echo AHtml::getMonthsSelect('imonth', (int) $month, $year, $currentMonth, $currentYear, $config->calendarDeepMonth, 'onchange="Calendars.monthNavigation(this.value)"'); ?>
The $currentYear is the actual year variable that is presented on the site. I basically need someway to add +1 if we are past the end of the year. Any ideas?
Edit: here is the months array:
function getMonthsSelect($name, $selectedMonth, $selectedYear, $month, $year, $deep, $attribs = '')
$months = array(1 => JText::_('January') , 2 => JText::_('February') , 3 => JText::_('March') , 4 => JText::_('April') , 5 => JText::_('May') , 6 => JText::_('June') , 7 => JText::_('July') , 8 => JText::_('August') , 9 => JText::_('September') , 10 => JText::_('October') , 11 => JText::_('November') , 12 => JText::_('December'));
$stop = $month + $deep;
for ($i = $month; $i < $stop; $i ++)
$arr[] = JHTML::_('select.option', ($key = (! ($k = $i % 12) ? 12 : $k)) . ',' . ($y = (floor(($i - $month) / 12) + $year)), ($months[$key] . '/' . $y));
return JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $arr, $name, $attribs, 'value', 'text', $selectedMonth . ',' . $selectedYear);
Edit 3: Final solution:
function getMonthsSelect($name, $selectedMonth, $selectedYear, $month, $year, $deep, $attribs = '')
$months = array(1 => JText::_('January') , 2 => JText::_('February') , 3 => JText::_('March') , 4 => JText::_('April') , 5 => JText::_('May') , 6 => JText::_('June') , 7 => JText::_('July') , 8 => JText::_('August') , 9 => JText::_('September') , 10 => JText::_('October') , 11 => JText::_('November') , 12 => JText::_('December'));
$stop = $month + $deep;
$wheremonth = 12 - $month;
for ($i = $month; $i < $stop; $i ++, $wheremonth--)
if ($wheremonth >= 0) {
$arr[] = JHTML::_('select.option', ($key = (! ($k = $i % 12) ? 12 : $k)) . ',' . ($y = (floor(($i - $month) / 12) + $year)), ($months[$key] . '/' . $y));
else { $arr[] = JHTML::_('select.option', ($key = (! ($k = $i % 12) ? 12 : $k)) . ',' . ($y = (floor(($i - $month) / 12) + $year+1)), ($months[$key] . '/' . $y));
return JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $arr, $name, $attribs, 'value', 'text', $selectedMonth . ',' . $selectedYear);
Not sure how the inputs are working here, but you have next month and previous month. You can implement a counter variable that adds when you hit next and subtracts when you hit previous. So something like:
$i = 1;
function datetracker() {
if($nextbtnclicked = true) {
} elseif($prevbtnclicked = true) {
if($i == 13) {
$i = 1;
$currentYear += 1;
I'm just using sample variables, but you can implement the counter in the Javascript and do the login in JS.
EDIT: That code actually looks right. Don't know why it's not working, but try something like this.
function getMonthsSelect($name, $selectedMonth, $selectedYear, $month, $year, $deep, $attribs = '')
$months = array(1 => JText::_('January') , 2 => JText::_('February') , 3 => JText::_('March') , 4 => JText::_('April') , 5 => JText::_('May') , 6 => JText::_('June') , 7 => JText::_('July') , 8 => JText::_('August') , 9 => JText::_('September') , 10 => JText::_('October') , 11 => JText::_('November') , 12 => JText::_('December'));
$stop = $month + $deep;
$newyear = false;
for ($i = $month; $i < $stop; $i ++) {
if($newyear) {
$arr[] = JHTML::_('select.option', ($key = (! ($k = $i % 12) ? 12 : $k)) . ',' . ($y = (floor(($i - $month) / 12) + $year + 1)), ($months[$key] . '/' . $y));
$newyear = false;
} else {
$arr[] = JHTML::_('select.option', ($key = (! ($k = $i % 12) ? 12 : $k)) . ',' . ($y = (floor(($i - $month) / 12) + $year)), ($months[$key] . '/' . $y));
if($i == 12) { $newyear = true; }
return JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $arr, $name, $attribs, 'value', 'text', $selectedMonth . ',' . $selectedYear);