I had to run some server side code to open multiple files via javascript something to this effect:
Assume r is just a reader with some data:
If r IsNot Nothing Then
Dim sb As New StringBuilder()
Do While r.Read()
'added below to replace \\ with http://
strURL = Replace(CType(r("AttachmentLink"), String), "\\myServer\MyFolder\MyPath", "http://MyFolder/MyPath", , , CompareMethod.Text)
'added below to replace \ with /
strURL = Replace(strURL, "\", "/")
sb.AppendLine("window.open('" & strURL & "', '_blank', 'menubar=no');")
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Me.GetType(), "popup", sb.ToString(), True)
End If
This works great for opening multiple attachments... but now I need to not only open them up but print them...
So I tried just taking what I had above and modifying a little:
Do While r.Read()
'added below to replace \\ with http://
strURL = Replace(CType(r("AttachmentLink"), String), "\\myServer\MyFolder\MyPath", "http://MyFolder/MyPath", , , CompareMethod.Text)
'added below to replace \ with /
strURL = Replace(strURL, "\", "/")
sb.AppendLine("var oWindow = window.open('" &开发者_StackOverflow社区; strURL & "', '_blank', 'menubar=no');")
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Me.GetType(), "popup", sb.ToString(), True)
This of course does not work, no error but nothing comes up. I was hoping to get each window open up and a print dialog from javascript to pop up...
Any ideas?
Due to browser javascript security reasons you're not allowed to print a child window.
What you could do is add a load script into those pages you'd like to print that will initiate printing from that child window instead.
Check this answer that shows a bit different aproach in a sense that:
- it creates an
- loads some content in it and also
- adds
event to print it...