I have a plain text file with tables:
(or type ":help index" in vim)I want to convert the table into a computer-friendly form. For example, into HTML or into Excel.
Any suggestion how to make it auto开发者_开发知识库matically? Maybe some lightweight markup tool can recognize such tables? Or probably there are some research papers with useful algorithms?
The plugin "vimwiki : Personal Wiki for Vim" ( http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2226 ) defines a table syntax for its wiki pages:
| Year | Temperature (low) | Temperature (high) |
| 1900 | -10 | 25 |
| 1910 | -15 | 30 |
| 1920 | -10 | 32 |
| 1930 | _N/A_ | _N/A_ |
| 1940 | -2 | 40 |
In HTML the following part >
| Year | Temperature (low) | Temperature (high) |
is higlighted as a table header.
And it provides a command to convert from text to html:
Convert current wiki page to HTML.
Maybe you could use some regular expressions to convert your tables to this format, and then use this plugin to convert it to HTML.