After adding a NSTableView
to my xib on Xcode 4 I set it to have 4 columns. The 1st column is a simple column that will contain the name of an item. The other 3 are checkboxes. I dragged a Check Box Cell
from the object library to the tableview.
I populate the table and the checkboxes get created and shown, however if I click on the nothing happens, I can't check or uncheck them. Furthermore, I don't even know how to do it by code.
How can I make this work: be able to check or uncheck the checkboxes and get their states from code.
I already saw this question and it didn't really answer my question.
Here is some of the code to take care of table, as requested:
- (int)numberOfRowsInTableView:(NSTableView *)tableView
return (int)[myArray count];
- (id)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn row:(int)row
if([[tableColumn identifier] isEqualToString:@"col1"])
return[NSNumber numberWithInt:NSOffState];
return [myArray objectAtIndex:row];
- (void)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView setObjectValue:(id)anObject forTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn row:(NSInteger)row
NSLog(@"%d", [anObject boolValue]);
if([[tableColumn identifier] isEqualToString:@"col1"])
NSLog(@"click col1");
} 开发者_运维知识库
if([[tableColumn identifier] isEqualToString:@"col2"])
NSLog(@"click col2");
I just added more code. How do I set it to check/uncheck?
The model
You need to decide upon a model, i.e., how you’re going to represent the data that’s being shown on the table view. For example:
// SomeObject.h
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface SomeObject
@property (copy) NSString *name;
@property (assign,getter=isVisible) BOOL visible;
@property (assign,getter=isOpaque) BOOL opaque;
@property (assign,getter=isAnimatable) BOOL animatable;
// SomeObject.m
#import "SomeObject.h"
@implementation SomeObject
@synthesize name, visible, opaque, animatable;
- (void)dealloc {
[name release];
[super dealloc];
The nib file
For the sake of this answer, give the table columns identifiers that match the property names in SomeObject
Providing values from the model to the table view
- (id)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn row:(int)row
// Retrieve the model object corresponding to `row'
SomeObject *obj = [myArray objectAtIndex:row];
// Return the object property corresponding to the column
if([[tableColumn identifier] isEqualToString:@"name"])
// Since this method has return type `id', we need to box the
// boolean values inside an `NSNumber' instance
else if([[tableColumn identifier] isEqualToString:@"visible"])
return [NSNumber numberWithBool:obj.visible];
else if([[tableColumn identifier] isEqualToString:@"opaque"])
return [NSNumber numberWithBool:obj.opaque];
else if([[tableColumn identifier] isEqualToString:@"animatable"])
return [NSNumber numberWithBool:obj.animatable];
return nil;
Using values from the table view to update the model
- (void)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView setObjectValue:(id)anObject forTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn row:(NSInteger)row
// Retrieve the model object corresponding to `row'
SomeObject *obj = [myArray objectAtIndex:row];
// Set the object property corresponding to the column
if([[tableColumn identifier] isEqualToString:@"name"])
{ = anObject;
// Since the new value (`anObject') is an object, we need to
// convert it to `BOOL' by sending it `-boolValue'
else if([[tableColumn identifier] isEqualToString:@"visible"])
obj.visible = [anObject boolValue];
else if([[tableColumn identifier] isEqualToString:@"opaque"])
obj.opaque = [anObject boolValue];
else if([[tableColumn identifier] isEqualToString:@"animatable"])
obj.animatable = [anObject boolValue];
It is possible to make this code simpler by using Key-Value Coding but that’s left as an exercise after you master table view data sources. :P