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Closed 7 years ago.
Improve this questiondo you know of a WYSIWYG equation editor, like DragMath, implemented in javascript/mathml or Flash?
I could embed DragMath as well, but I was wondering if there's a way to have a good WYSIWYG formula editor without requiring the users to run a Java applet.
Disclaimer: I'm working for Scolab on one of the editor listed below.
This list of MathML editors could help you: http://www.w3.org/Math/Software/mathml_software_cat_editors.html
I know these web-based editors and display engines:
- FMath and MathMlEditor I met the guy maintaining this, he's great.
- MathJax The author told me he wanted to build an editor in JavaScript. That would be awesome, but I don't know how far he is with it. He's capable.
Alfred's Equation Editor (AlfredEq) - This equation editor was developed by us for BuzzMath and is available for licencing.
- Video of an integration of AlfredEq in BuzzMath's edition tools
Screenshot of the editor embedded in ShareMath.com:
Please post your other findings!
MathQuill is a very good and modern opensource library – it's WYSIWYG but it uses keyboard extensively and if you know LaTeX commands, you can use them too. It's the library used by Symbolab.
Or you try the equation editor called jqmath. It's very fast and easy to use, even though it isn't exactly WYSIWYG.
this is what I am considering using