
PHP get the site that calls your script via file_get_contents

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-04 19:20 出处:网络
I have a PHP script hosted on my site that outputs a value based on the GET parameters passed. Other sites call this script from within their own PHP scripts via the PHP function file_get_contents wi

I have a PHP script hosted on my site that outputs a value based on the GET parameters passed.

Other sites call this script from within their own PHP scripts via the PHP function file_get_contents with the url and get params and are served back just the value requested.

I am trying to allow only certain domains access to this script and have been using HTTP_REFERER to check who's calling the script.

if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) // check if referrer is set
    echo $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; // echo referrer
    echo 'No referrer set'; // echo failure message

I am getting No referrer set when I use file_get_cont开发者_如何学JAVAents but if I use a clicked link from a page to a script with the above code the referrer displays correctly.

Am I using the wrong function (file_get_contents) to call the external script and can someone suggest the correct one or should this work?

Any help much appreciated. Thanks

Bear in mind that the HTTP "Referer" header is an optional header -- there's no need for a site to send it to you, and it can be easily faked. If you really only want certain people to use your resources, you're better off using some form of authentication.

Typically Referer: is sent by web browsers, but there's no need for it to be -- for example, they won't send it if the referer is a secure site. With a PHP file_get_contents() there isn't technically a referer anyway; you're not being "referred" from anywhere.

Consider instead either:

  • Locking down by IP address (but bear in mind that multiple domains can share a single IP, and that a domain's IP can change.)
  • Using some form of authentication (preferably not one that transmits passwords in plain text!)

You should consider how secure you need this service to be, and what threats might attack it when deciding the right security to apply.

You would be much better to restrict based on IP address rather than domain, much more reliable. Just keep an array of allowed IP's and call in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'],$allowedAddresses) to validate it.

Or just require authentication via a cookie or HTTP auth...

You can't do this using HTTP_REFERER.

The HTTP_REFERER it set by the client, and it can be anything the client wants.

You have to use a password / key authentication mechanism instead.

May want to use something along the lines of a stream context to set extra headers.


Additionally, if needed, you could set a 'secret' header to authenticate the requests, rather then the referer.



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